Using Exit Survey Results to Assess the Senior Experience (Construction Management)

Senior exit surveys give students an opportunity to provide feedback on their undergraduate experiences. Questions may include those about curriculum, faculty, offices and services, social opportunities, and career preparation. Academic programs can use students’ responses to inform decisions and improve student learning. 

ATL Mini-grant Project: In the academic year 2015-16, the Construction Management program received assessment mini-grant funding in support of their project “Construction Management Program – Assessment Analysis Phase 1,” which involved hiring a student worker to perform numerous data entry tasks associated with their senior exit survey. Working with the Office of Assessment of Teaching and Learning, data from the past three years were summarized, and visual displays created, to aid faculty in the interpretation and discussion of the student experience, as well as the strengths and areas for improvement within the program. The project also involved converting the existing paper survey to a Qualtrics-based survey that was piloted in spring 2016.

According to Jason Peschel, co-project leader and Assistant Professor in the program, “The results of the analysis have shown areas for growth or improvement within the program. This information will be shared with the faculty and will enable the program to move from the ‘developing’ phase of program assessment to the ‘refining’ phase. Our faculty are committed to making the program the best that it can be but will now be armed with information that was previously considered anecdotal.”

For additional information about assessment mini grants, including examples of other previously funded projects, see ATL’s Assessment Mini-Grant webpage.